Common Sense Profits, LLC

Financial Coaching

There are three key financial areas that a business needs to actively manage. These three key areas include cashflow, net worth, and its access to capital; either through credit or new investments.

In addition to understanding how to manage those three key areas, businesses need to understand options for holding their assets. Each asset type can be characterized by its liquidity, volatility, and risk profiles.

Knowing when assets need to be liquidated allows your business to make better decisions regarding preserving and growing its net worth, while satisfying its financial and business operating objectives.

It is also important to have a good set of policies for managing business debt, proper tax planning, and protecting business assets with insurance.

In our coaching program, we cover the various sources of cash, which includes assets, credit, and profits; options for holding funds, which define degrees of liquidity and degrees of risk; debt management, tax planning, insurance protection.

Risk Assesment, cashflow, net worth and captial.

Schedule Strategy Session
Have us contact you, using the contact form. We will schedule a brief strategy session. During a strategy session, we’ll learn about your business, your current bookkeeping challenges, answer questions you have, and if it makes sense discuss next steps.